Aerodance Classes

We offer 90 or 60 minute dance classes for all age and abilities. To book a class, contact Nikki at 07500 926403 or email [email protected]

Aerodance Level 1

Perfect for ladies of a certain age. Low-impact sessions that are gentle on the joints and fabulous fun.

Monday, 10:30

📍Crowborough Community Centre ⏳ 60 mins

Wednesday, 09:45 & 11:00

📍Groombridge Village Hall ⏳ 60 mins

Aerodance Levels 2 & 3

This is for ladies who love to dance to great music in a fun-filled hour. The music and routines are designed to get you really moving and give you an all over body workout. The choreography is the same for both levels. The core difference is that Level 2 has more repetition so that you can really nail the steps.

Monday, 19:00

📍 Groombridge Village Hall ⏳ 60 mins

Wednesday, 09:30

📍 Pembury Village Hall ⏳ 60 mins

Friday, 09:30

📍 Langton Green Village Hall ⏳ 60 mins

Tuesday, 18:45

📍 Groombridge Village Hall ⏳ 60 mins

Wednesday, 18:30

📍 Groombridge Village Hall ⏳ 60 mins

Aerodance Level 4

For ladies who really want to be challenged. Enjoy the same routines as are taught in the standard classes, but then add a few more tricky routines. Ladies who attend this class need to be confident movers

Wednesday, 09:30

📍 Frant Village Hall ⏳ 90 mins

Friday, 09:30

📍 Pembury Village Hall ⏳ 90 mins